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Training opportunities from

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FALL PROGRAMS from the Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional Services (DSPS) have been announced:
2024 DSPS Fire Program Fall Training Presentations - Booking by Bookwhen

(Edited September 16, 2024)

From Ward Lyon, Education Director for Wisconsin Technical College System Fire Service Training:


1.  On July 9, 2024, President Biden signed into law the Fire Grants and Safety Act (S.870). After two years of advocacy by CFSI and our National Advisory Committee members, the AFG and SAFER grant programs will continue to be able to deliver vital federal support to fire departments across the nation and enable them to address their baseline needs. Specifically, this bill:

  • Reauthorizes the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant programs through fiscal year 2028,

  • Reauthorizes the U.S. Fire Administration through fiscal year 2028, and

  • Extends the sunset date for AFG and SAFER to September 30, 2030


2. Good afternoon, The CT Fire Academy has assembled a committee to develop a statewide firefighter decontamination (decon) program aimed at reducing cancer exposure by implementing on-scene decon procedures statewide.

This program will provide comprehensive guidance, a train-the-trainer program, and, if funding permits, decon supplies for every department that attends the training. We are planning to begin delivering this training in February 2025.

To date, we have developed our procedures and identified areas needing improvement based on current deployment and practice. These adjustments will be made and tested again in the first week of November. Once finalized, we will film our procedures and complete the train-the-trainer program.


One area where we need to enhance our understanding is cold weather decon. We seek your expertise, particularly if you live or work in a region that experiences cold weather and would greatly appreciate any insights or assistance you can provide. Specifically:

 A. Do you have established best practices for on-scene decon during cold weather?

   - Are these best practices based on local practices or backed by research?

B. Are you willing to share your findings and practices with us?


Please email me your contact info and I will get you in touch with CT Fire Academy. Your input will be invaluable as we strive to create a robust and effective decon program that ensures the safety and health of our firefighters across Connecticut.


3.  A new First Responder’s Toolbox (Terrorism Prevention Spectrum) from the Joint Counterterrorism Assessment Team. Please see attachment with resources.


4.  2024 WTCS Conference on Race and Ethnicity


October 24-25, 2024

Richard T. Anderson Education Center

Waukesha County Technical College

800 Main Street, Pewaukee


5. From NAFTD: TRANSCAER® (Transportation Community Awareness Emergency Response) is an outreach program covering North America. Since 1986, the organization has focused on assisting communities and training emergency responders to prepare for and respond to hazardous material transportation incidents. The TRANSCAER program is led by industry professionals and supported by partner agencies who are critical to the success of our mission.

Training available on site: Ethanol emergency safety training course and train the trainer courses, Resources for exercises, Video series': Are you prepared. 



6. Click here for a News Release from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) on their joint effort with Vector Solutions.


7. New Updates on the 1910.156 Emergency Response Rule!  

The Informal Public Hearing Will be Held on November 12, 2024. Click here to read the full notice. 

 View our updated webinar and information on the 1910.156 Proposed Emergency Response Rule here

 OSHA's Emergency Responses Proposed Rule has
published on the Federal Registrar




Ward Lyon 

Education Director - Fire Service Training 

Phone:  608-266-7289 

Instructor -- Fire Program
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Western Technical College is now reviewing applicants for a Fire Instructor position -- click button on the right to download a PDF of the details.

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Full-Time Position UPDATED
Moraine Park Technical College

Mid-State Technical College


Online Degree

SPS 330 Information

Click on the button at right to download a summary of the rulemaking process that was conducted in revising Wisconsin's Fire Department Safety and Health Standard, SPS 330.

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