WSESI Instructor of the Year includes pass to Fire Department Instructors Conference
WSESI Instructor of the Year includes pass to Fire Department Instructors Conference
By arrangement with PennWell, publishers of Fire Engineering and sponsors of FDIC, and the North American Fire Training Directors, each state's Instructor of the Year will receive a complimentary pass to the Fire Department Instructors Conference in Indianapolis -- a $575 value!
Our thanks go out to former Director Pete Silva of Wisconsin Fire Service Training for bringing this amazing opportunity to our Society, and to current Director Angie White for continuing it!
Instructor of the Year Award
The Instructor of the Year Award recognizes individuals for extraordinary accomplishments in emergency services training. The winner:
○ Will have displayed a deep commitment to furthering the cause of the fire and emergency services through training○ Will have advanced the cause of responder operational effectiveness and safety
○ Will have gone above and beyond the call of duty in training
○ Will have brought creativity and innovation to public safety training programs, or will have shown great persistence in pursuing an innovative program
○ Will have served as a positive model for responders and other instructors
The award recognizes individual accomplishment. While members of an instructional team or training group may be considered, nominations of a fire department or training academy are not eligible.
Additionally, concrete examples of the candidate’s training program activities, along with documentation or similar submissions, will be considered. Applications that are merely testimonial in nature, well-intentioned as they may be, will not be helpful in the selection process.
In addition to the award, the recipient will receive:
• a free night’s lodging the evening of the presentation
• complimentary admission to the Annual Conference
• a year’s complimentary membership in WSESI
• a complimentary pass to the 2024 FDIC International, courtesy of PennWell and North American Fire Training Directors (NAFTD)
The successful nominator will receive complimentary admission to the Friday Dinner Buffet and be invited to participate in presenting the award.
Because the Society seeks to recognize excellence wherever it may be found in Wisconsin, the candidate need not be a member of WSESI, but the nomination should originate with a current Society member.
-OR- Nominate online with form below:
(Please accompany submission by e-mailing any additional documentation at time of nomination):